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5 Practical and Easy Tips to Pass the MOT Test with Flying Colours

Updated: Feb 4, 2019

The failure rate for MOT tests saw a 38% increase in the UK. The main reason behind this is most drivers head to their annual MOT tests without considering ancillary factors that may have resulted in the failure.

Hence, to make sure that you’re not failing your MOT test, here are 5 tips to help you sail through your MOT test with ease –

Tip 1: Always go through your service history

Check things like service books, dealer stamps, invoices, etc. from the service books to make sure you’re prepared for questions like these:

Q. What was the last time your car got serviced?

Q. Which year or month did you last get your car serviced from a garage?

Tip 2: Pay attention to your car’s lights!

Faulty headlights or car interior lights are one of the primary reasons behind the failure of most cars in MOT tests. As mentioned above, nearly 38%of vehicles failed the test, and almost 18.4% of these failures were a result of faulty headlights.

Hence, before going for your car’s MOT test, check the following for abnormalities–

· Check both front and rear headlights.

· Side & brake lights.

· Indicators on the rear, side & front.

· Number plate lights & car hazard lights.

Tip 3: Check tyres thoroughly

Not having adequately serviced Buy Tyres Northampton can result in failing the MOT test. Now, the major reason behind this is incorrect tyre treads.

According to the UK traffic rules as updated by the government, authorities will penalise cars with tyres which have a tread depth lower than 1.6mm. Additionally, it’s wise to prepare for the test with a minimum tyre tread depth of 3 mm as anything lower increases the chances of accidents.

Hence, before going for the test, check the tread depth of your tyres using tread depth gauge or the old coin trick. If the tread depth isn’t optimal, then go to your reliable car garage, for example, Superior Cars and get your car a set of new tyres.

Tip 4: Make sure you topped your engine oil.

Well, most of you already know the importance of topping engine oil, but if you’re a first-timer, it can be confusing to understand the ideal way to engine top-up. Hence, read reliable engine oil guides and familiarize yourself with the correct procedure to top-up engine oil.

Tip 5: Steering and brakes!

Two of the crucial elements that are never missed by any of the MOT Northampton testing centres are steering and brakes. Hence, if you’re aim is to pass that MOT test, first carefully consider any issues with the steering while driving.

Next, check your car brakes.

  • Make sure the fluid level in the brake system’s reservoir is between the min-max indicators.

  • Check the handbrake and make sure it’s not loose; if you have to drag it back more than required, it may mean that the cable needs fixing. Additionally, check and see if the lever is entirely tight or not.

Well, these are the basics, and most overlooked by drivers at times! So, follow the above points, and you’re a step closer to clearing the MOT test.

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